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A promising young man, an individual that brings something ingenious to the table of music.  From Harlem, New York, he's been living in Grenada since the age of 12.  Back in New York, his childhood consisted of dancing on the trains, martial arts, athletics and dabbing his hands in many different fields including poetry. He's even gone as far as placing second in a state-wide martial arts tournament and winning a poetry competition.


A past pupil of Talented And Gifted Young Scholars school in New York, it was known to those around him that he was indeed an intelligent person.  Completing his Secondary School education at Beacon High School, he graduated at the age of 15. As the years ticked by he found that his mind worked differently from everyone around him.  At either 8 or 9 years old he was listening to a lot of Eminem which sparked his desire and inspired him to write 2 raps, of which he showed his mother.  After that he never picked up rapping again, until, an emotional moment in his life in the year 2010.  


While studying at TC3 (Tompkins Cortland Community College) he began writing again in his free time (for fun), but yet again, he stopped. Not seeing a career for himself and lacking the drive to pursue music, he focused on his studies whilst rekindling his talent as a DJ. Being away and having no source of income he cleaned out a basement and began throwing parties. Little did he know at the time that music was his LIFE, but as the years charged on it became clearer and clearer that he had talent and passion where music and more so "rapping" was concerned.


Paper Towels, his phone, his computer and notebook pages became plagued with his ongoing stream of lyrics.  Sleep became a stranger to him as he would stay up all night perfecting his lyrics.  Food? That too was becoming a stranger as he hardly took breaks being too caught up in his craft.  One day however, that all changed.  He said never again was he going to write lyrics, but he would spit from his soul, and from that point on not one line was ever written before being delivered to the mic.  To reinforce and make certain of his decision to never write again, he burnt his tub filled with paper towels and notebook pages containing his lyrics at 3 a.m. one morning.  Since that day, he's never put pen or pencil to paper, distancing himself from being associated with writing where lyrics are concerned and more so writing in general.


For the entire week of December 1st - 7th, 2012; he did nothing but rap. Going by the name 'K.C' he soon lost confidence in himself and stopped, saying, "This ain't for me."  In January of 2013 he picked it up again, this time encountering a name change and adopting the name 'Fenix'. In April of the same year, he made the decision to go public with his music and... so the story begins.



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